Telehealth allows your therapist to provide care for you without an in-person office visit. Telehealth is done primarily online with internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. It is a safe, secure way to receive therapy. At the time of your session, you are sent a secure link to use to join the session with your therapist.


  • Ensures that you can participate in therapy wherever you are located – at home, at work, or even in your car

  • Less time loss with commuting and waiting

  • More efficient appointments

  • Money saving on transportation, parking, and lost work

  • An ability to attend appointments at times that may be inconvenient for in-person visits

  • Greater access to care

  • Reduced stigma, be more comfortable talking about concerns from home rather than in a provider’s office

  • Access to specialists outside your local area

  • Privacy for the client

  • Improved accessibility for patients who may have difficulty leaving home, including patients with disabilities, older adults, etc